Ingredients for Chocolate Banana Cake Recipe
For the sponge cake:
2 eggs
2 tea glasses of sugar
2 tea glasses of flour
1 packet of baking powder
1 packet of vanilla
1 tablespoon of cocoa (optional)
For the cream:
1/2 liter of milk
4 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of flour
2.5 tablespoons of starch
1 egg
1 packet of vanilla
6 biscuits with cocoa cream (to be added to cream after cooking)
1/2 banana (to be added to cream after cooking)
To soak the cakes:
1/2 cup milk
How to Make Chocolate Banana Cake Recipe?
Instead of buying fresh cake from outside, you can make birthday cake as a gift for your loved ones. This cake, which has a perfect taste and appearance, will make you and your loved ones happy.
First, the sponge cake is prepared. Beat 2 eggs and 2 tea glasses of sugar in a bowl until they turn white.
Flour, baking powder, vanilla are sifted and added to the bowl and mixed. It is poured into a locked cake container and placed in the oven at 170 degrees for 40 minutes. The image is in its baked state.
While the cake is baking, the cream is prepared. All ingredients except vanilla are taken into a large pot and mixed without the need for priority order. The bottom of the pot is opened It is mixed with a hand whisk until it thickens. Make sure the bottom does not hold. After the consistency is thickened, close to boiling vanilla is added
After boiling, the bottom is covered.Half of the cream is put in another bowl and mixed with the previously crushed oreo pieces. With the help of the toothpick test, the cake that is understood to be cooked is taken out of the oven and left to cool. Then it is cut in half with the help of a large knife.
The cream mixed with the biscuit crumbs is applied smoothly on the substrate with the help of a knife.The cut bananas are placed on top of the cream and the top of the cake is covered. The cream we have separated is spread on the top of the cake with the help of a knife. It's up to you to decorate the top of the cake.