Ear pain that almost everyone experiences can occur for many reasons. It is one of the discomfort experienced after ear headache and abdominal pain, regardless of the child or parent. Ear pain, which almost zeroes the quality of life, usually does not pass easily with drugs such as painkillers. So what causes earache? What does ear pain mean? How does ear pain go?
Ear pain, which reduces the quality of life of the person, usually arises from infection. However, there can be many reasons under the ear pain. Inflammation of the outer, inner or middle ear causes tinnitus and pain. Symptoms such as throbbing, burning and stinging are observed. Ear pain occurs for other reasons and causes other ailments. Not all ear pain, which is often experienced after a cold, is relieved by medication. Some earache can also be relieved naturally at home. The other most common cause is middle ear inflammation. Middle ear inflammation is not experienced as mild as an earache that occurs with a cold. In otitis media, the patient mostly complains of dizziness. Also, middle ear inflammation increases in bulk areas. Ear pain is the third most common ailment experienced in studies. Ear pain, which is a sign that the body is exposed to excessive infection, is also a warning that ear crystals move or increased dirt and infection in the middle ear.
- Accumulation of earwax in the inner ear area, Infected bacteria that spread into the ear canal after the common cold, - Serious damage to the inner ear and its membrane as a result of a foreign body entering the ear, Blockage of the sinus canals - Ear crystals playing - In the most severe homes of diseases such as migraine and sinusitis - Increasing inflammation in jaw and tooth roots - After tonsil and nasal surgery - After nose surgery - Cells in the ear glands form tumors Lung diseases - Inflammation caused by oral wounds causes ear pain.
Ear pain experienced by people without a known disease can be intervened at home. However, for an earache lasting more than 3 days, the patient should definitely consult a specialist. HOT WATER COMPRESS For mild ear pains, warm pressure is applied to the inflammation by putting hot water into the bag bought from the pharmacy as a hot water bag, wrapping it on a towel, right in the middle of the ear. Or, this can be done with a cheesecloth or towel, which is heated by an iron or stove, a method used for centuries.
Garlic, the strongest antibiotic, is good for ear pain. For this, fry the two crushed garlic cloves in sesame oil for 15 minutes. Then, dip the ear litter into the warm oil you take from the stove and drop a drop into the ear hole. After 5 minutes, tilt your ear down. ONION Onion, another effective antibiotic after garlic, is among the foods that are good for ear pain. Boil one of the onion juice well, then use a cheesecloth to drip one or two drops into the ear.