Recently, kidney pain, which has come to the fore due to increasing complaints, has attracted the attention of experts. So what is the intense pain in the kidneys heralding? Here is the answer to the question:
Normally, the number of pies found in a person is two and these pies are located on the right and left separately from each other. However, although the exact cause is unknown, some situations cause the baby's donuts to merge while in the womb. This condition, which looks like a horseshoe in shape, is called horseshoe kidney disease. Avrasya Hospital Urology Specialist Op. Dr. Arman Çitçi explains what should be known about horseshoe kidney disease.
Kidneys begin to form on both sides of the spinal cord while in the womb. Kidneys are the primary organs that are formed gradually during the formation of the baby in the womb. In a normal process, the kidneys continue to develop separately as the baby grows and takes the correct position. However, some abnormal conditions cause some defects in this process and kidneys unite. This situation, which occurs between the 7th and 9th weeks of pregnancy, is not common, but it does not cause a life-threatening condition. However, studies reveal that people with horseshoe kidney disease get kidney stone diseases much more easily.
Those with certain diseases are under the risk group Although horseshoe kidney disease is not life-threatening, it leaves people more vulnerable to some diseases. With it; Kidney stones Kidney cancer Wilms tumor, Kidney swelling caused by urine accumulation, Extra fluid accumulation in the brain Split spine, Skeletal problems Polycystic kidney diseases can be seen.
DIAGNOSIS IS POSSIBLE WITH ULTRASOUND! Horseshoe kidney disease generally occurs during pregnancy when the baby is in the womb. This situation may occur in the baby in the ultrasound images made for routine controls. In addition, the other method used for diagnosis is kidney ultrasound. PAIN CAN BE MINIMIZED WITH TREATMENT There is no cure for horseshoe kidney disease. However, by treating the diseases caused by this situation, the patient's complaints can be prevented. In addition, various measures can be taken to minimize the effects of this situation. These;