Dysmnesia, one of the common disorders, occurs due to a system disorder in the brain. Dysmnesia, which is the beginning of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, is experienced due to various factors. However, experts emphasize that some foods should be consumed regularly to avoid dysmnesia. So what causes forgetfulness? What are the symptoms of dysmnesia?
Whether dysmnesia is related to psychology has been investigated. Very interesting results have been revealed in the neuropsychiatric tests. Considering the relationship between the brain and behavior, especially in terms of diagnosis, it is said to be the main causes of dysmnesia. Dysmnesia is a harbinger of some diseases and also causes some diseases. People with nervous system distress usually experience psychological disturbances. Since these disturbances cause more damage to the damaged system, they prepare the ground for dysmnesia. In some studies, it has been observed that forgetfulness occurs in the same parallel in people with high rates of depression. One of the most effective methods to end dysmnesia is eating habits. The most effective substances for this are omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, it removes dysmnesia in foods rich in vitamin B12. According to researches, hormonal imbalance that occurs in the body can cause dysmnesia.
- Today, one out of every 5 people face periods of severe depression. Depression causing emotional and mental trauma; It manifests itself with symptoms such as irritability, restlessness, emotional spiral and crying spells. It can also be called the precaution taken against the negativities experienced in the brain in case of severe depression. However, this process is very dangerous because the person may attempt suicide with the frequency of dysmnesia in depression.
- Vitamin B12 is a source that the body needs. It is especially necessary for the health of nerve tissue and for the production of red blood cells. Since it is not produced by the body, it is a vitamin that requires supplementation. Therefore, unhealthy eating habits cause this vitamin to decrease. In addition, as vitamins are deficient from the body, the thyroid glands do not work, which causes hormones to decrease. As the hormones decrease, the nerves are not transmitted to the brain, which prepares the ground for dysmnesia.
Alzheimer's is the most common neuropsychological condition. Although this disease begins with dysmnesia, it causes serious damage to the brain. This dysmnesia disease, which is more common in older ages, should be treated in accordance with the symptoms that start at an early age.
- It improves memory in fish rich in Omega - 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are especially high in fish such as salmon, sardines and bonito. According to experts, developing children and pregnant women should take at least one gram of omega 3 fatty acid per day, while others should take omega 3 fatty acid once a week.
Hazelnuts and walnuts are also very effective in terms of omega - 3 fatty acids. In researches, by consuming a handful of walnuts or hazelnuts daily, the omega 3 fatty acid the body needs is provided.