Meet Panda, the 2-year-old adopted cat who’s also an unlikely yet utterly adorable babysitter. Ever since her hoomin Liel Ainmar Assayag got pregnant, she hasn’t left her side. Now, with little Sean born, Panda is completely devoted to him.
"Once I got pregnant she started following me around the house, tucking her head on my belly, purring," Assayag told LoveMeow. "Now, 3 months later, she jumps on the bed near him, smells him, sits next to him. You can clearly see she loves him from the beginning!"
For what we know, this could be part of a plan to finally take over the world by raising tiny hoomin slaves. Or maybe it's just cat love. Let's hope it's love.
Meet Panda, the 2-year-old adopted cat who's also an unlikely yet utterly adorable babysitter. Ever since her hoomin Liel Ainmar Assayag got pregnant, she hasn't left her side. "Once I got pregnant she started following me around the house, tucking her head on my belly, purring".
"Now…she jumps on the bed near him, smells him, sits next to him". "You can clearly see she loves him from the beginning!" And it's not the only cat in the house who loves little Sean! He's definitely in good paws. More info: Facebook (h/t: lovemeow)