Ginseng, which is a legendary useful plant in Far Eastern countries, is a panacea. Ginseng, available in white and red colors, has been produced under the management of culture in recent years. That's why ginseng grown in an average of 6 years is very valuable. It is used in cosmetics as well as pharmaceutical industry. So what are the benefits of Ginseng? How is ginseng consumed? What is ginseng tea good for?
The scientific name of Ginseng, whose homeland is China, is panax ginseng. Ginseng, which has a large share in the foreign trade of China, Russia and South Korea, is among the root crops. Since ginseng, which has been used in traditional medicine methods of China for centuries, allows the cells to renew themselves rapidly, it prevents the occurrence of cancer. At the same time, thanks to additional vitamin supplements, it ensures that immunity is strong against free radicals. Ginseng, which belongs to the Araliaceae family, is suitable for collecting in an average of 4-6 years. The longer it stays in the soil, the more benefits it increases. Therefore, it is known that some villagers in South Korea still do not collect the ginsengs planted by their ancestors. Even though there are many types of ginseng, which is fertile because it is grown in fertile soils, at most 4 are used.
Most common variety is Korean Ginseng. It has been determined in all studies that it is the first type of ginseng. - American Ginseng is similar in appearance to Korean Ginseng but has different benefits. It is also said that there are differences in taste. - Siberian Ginseng, which is completely different from real ginseng, has been produced for commercial purposes. - Red ginseng is another type of ginseng whose color changes when the sun is seen since the root part remains on the soil too long. It is actually the same as Korean ginseng. However, it was seen as a different variety due to its color. HOW TO CONSUME GINSENG? - Just like radish, carrot and turnip, it can be consumed raw. - Hard ones can be softened in steam and eaten. In recent years, it can be taken as a powder and taken as a capsule to make it easier to consume. - It is used in hair and skin care products by removing the oil in its content. - In ancient times, it was crushed and made into a paste and rubbed into the skin. - There is also information in the books that it is applied to the painful joint areas. In Korean cuisine, it is powdered and added to dishes. Tea is made from fresh slices or dried.
By lowering the bad cholesterol level, it increases the healthy cholesterol level in the blood and prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. - Balances blood pressure. It prevents the occurrence of health problems such as high blood pressure that can cause paralysis. - In researches, the ginseng plant, which strengthens the immune system, thus protects the body against viruses and infections. - Increases the functionality of nerve cells thanks to the Ginsenosit it contains. However, it preserves the structure of the brain. When consumed regularly, even once a week, it prevents forgetfulness or Alzheimer's, which can be seen in advanced ages. - Containing fiber and healthy carbohydrates, ginseng increases the body's energy rate. In addition, it increases the regeneration rate of cells by decreasing the oxidative rate. It reduces the aging rate while reducing stress. - Another study on ginseng is its ability to balance the sugar content in the blood. It becomes an ideal food for diabetics by regulating insulin resistance.
Tea obtained from its fresh or dried form is a natural medicine especially for the digestive tract. It prevents diarrhea as well as constipation by making the intestines work better. It also balances stomach acid. It is a drink that can be preferred by those who want to lose weight and keep their energy level high. You can add it to boiled hot water and let it brew for 5 minutes, then strain and drink.