Heartwarming Moment – Dog Refuses To Leave Owner’s Side While Wearing a Ventilator

Heartwarming Moment – Dog Refuses To Leave Owner’s Side While Wearing a Ventilator

Dogs are like family to many of us, but for this dog in China, his owner means the world to him. The three-year-old golden retriever named Mao Mao is seen refusing to leave his owner’s bedside while the man wears a ventilator to sleep. Mr Shao from central China’s Henan province, who suffers from high blood pressure and heart disease, said his loyal canine would stand by and watch over him whenever he put on the device.

The golden retriever is seen refusing to leave his owner’s bedside while the man wears a ventilator to sleep. Mr Shao, 56, was advised by his doctor to wear a ventilator while sleeping to prevent sudden cardiac arrest. When the man put on the device for the first time, he was surprised to see his golden retriever running towards his bedside to stay close by, seemingly guarding him in case of emergency. In the footage filmed by the owner, the canine is seen laying his head on Mr Shao’s chest, refusing to leave the man

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