There are thousands of living species in the world, but the biggest obstacle to their continuation is unfortunately people. We wanted to share with you the endangered animals and their characteristics.
Probably many people say, "I wouldn't hurt the ant" to prove how innocent they are. But in fact, many people, either knowingly or unknowingly, harm living things on Earth.
Plastic waste, cars, technological devices we use; The seas, forests and animals we hunt for pleasure. All of them endanger many animals. Animals are becoming extinct and we are just watching… Here are the animals that are getting more lonely and endangered every day on Earth…
1. Javanese Rhino The Javanese Rhinoceros, one of the five rhino species inherited from the Rhinocerotidae family, used to live in an area from western Java to southern China. Today he lives only in Ujung Kulon National Park, which is located on Java Island. According to the latest estimates, the number of Javanese Rhinoceros is less than 60. The biggest reason for the Javanese rhino to become extinct is that the rhino horn is believed to have healing powers in Chinese medicine. This put him on the list of endangered animals ...
2. Cheetah Cheetah, one of the feline family, is known as the fastest running land animal in the world. However, in 2016, it was announced that the number of Cheetahs dropped to 7 thousand and they were at high risk. The cheetah population is most damaged in the Asian region.
3.Sumatran orangutan Sumatran orangutans, who rarely see their natural habitat in their 50s, have only 14,600 left in the world, according to 2018 data. The world's oldest Sumatran orangutan died last year at the age of 62 at a zoo in Perth, Australia.
4. Leatherback sea turtle Leatherback sea turtles, which can reach 2 meters in height and weigh an average of 600-1000 kg, live in tropical and sub-tropical oceans. It is estimated that these turtles evolved in the Cretaceous Period 110 million years ago. They live an average of 30-50 years. However, they are also in danger of extinction.
5. Polar bears Polar bears top the list of endangered animals. Climate change is the biggest cause of their extinction. The ice masses they use for hunting, feeding and resting are melting rapidly due to climate change. This situation makes it difficult for them to survive. The population of polar bears has halved in the last 10 years. Unfortunately, these beautiful creatures are losing their war against climate change ...