Sneaky Cat Steals Cookies From Tupperware And Takes A Bite From Each One Of Them

Sneaky Cat Steals Cookies From Tupperware And Takes A Bite From Each One Of Them

Who amongst us hasn’t fallen for the siren song of an illicit snack once or twice?

I think we’ve all snuck our hands into the cookie jar when we weren’t supposed to, or surreptitiously weaselled a couple of chips out of someone else’s bag.

When the urge to snack sets in, it’s just so hard to resist.

So, let’s not judge this sweet little thief too hard:

Nellie is a cute little kitten with a passion for snacking. The calico’s urge to snack is so strong that her parents have had to start hiding their food in an attempt to keep it safe.

But alas, the peckish kitten regularly outsmarts them.

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