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Another great model. When I first saw this model, I couldn't find its build. And I was looking. I finally found it and wanted to tell you right away. You can make colored butterflies. If you love butterflies like I do. They are very delicate and short-lived.
You can also make baby knitting patterns from the same pattern. You can make cardigan models, vest models. You can weave with finer threads and make shawl patterns. You can evaluate your remaining strings at home with this project. Let's start by pulling the long chain that we weave. Next, let's make a handrail by sinking 2 rows into each loop. After making 2 rows of handrails, let's move on to the colored rope and fix it from the beginning of the row.
And let's do 5 frequent needles by sinking into the back loops. Let's draw 6 chains with the same colored thread. Let's make 4 handrails in the same place by winding the rope twice on the hook and sinking into the back loop. Let's pull 5 chains again and sink into the front loop. Let's draw 5 chains. Let's make 2 handrails and 1 handrail by winding the rope twice in the same place. We are going to pull 3 chains and sink in the same place. Let's repeat the process we just did one more time.
Now let's repeat the part that we started with 6 chains. Our first butterfly is nearing completion. Now let's make frequent needles by dipping the blue dotted parts you see in the picture. We sink into the back loops.
We make the second butterfly as we just did. We make 21 frequent needles between two butterflies. At the end of the row, we fix and cut the rope. We are starting with a new color.
Let's fix the thread at the beginning of the row with our threads of different colors and make 5 frequent needles. Let's make a handrail by winding a rope twice and sinking as you can see in the image.
Let's pull 4 chains and make 3 frequent needles. In the same way, let's pull 4 chains once more and make 3 frequent needles. We are going to sink in the place indicated by the arrow with the change of loop. Then let's make a railing by winding the rope twice in the same place.
Let's continue from the side and do 21 frequent needles. Let's complete the top of all the butterflies in the same way until the end of the row.
Let's make 3 rows of handrails by changing to the white thread and sinking once in each loop. Then, in the same way, we knit by placing the butterflies together.
Let's make 3 rows of handrails by changing to the white thread and sinking once in each loop. Then, in the same way, we knit by placing the butterflies together.
And our colorful butterfly blanket is ready. There is also a beautiful crochet pillow model.