There are many spectacular bird photos and videos out there on this website, but this time, there’s a special treat in this niche. Bird photographer Jocelyn Anderson has a special way of capturing the birds on her camera. Among her more typical works, there are quite a lot of videos of her feeding the birds from her palm in slow motion.
The slow-mo has a twofold use: first of all, the birds look awesome when they're slowed down on film, and the second, which is a more practical reason, is that the birds act pretty fast, and it's harder to see what they're doing at normal speed. Whatever the motivation or the reason is, the result is spectacular, interesting, and somewhat relaxing. Who would've thought that watching birds eat would be so satisfying? It's also nice that the birds get their treats and don't have to worry about food, even if just for a little while.
Jocelyn said: "I started photographing birds about 5 years ago. I was taking walks on local nature trails and thought it would be fun to take some photos during the walks. I remember seeing a wee bouncing ball of a bird, which I later learned was a kinglet. I immediately became enchanted with this tiny bird and the challenge of photographing him." Image credits: Jocelyn Anderson Photography
"One of the wonderful things about bird photography is that it creates a strong connection between the photographer and nature; the more you learn about how to listen and watch, the more nature will share with you. The camera also captures images that are too fast or too far for the human eye, giving a look into a world not normally seen.
I am constantly inspired by the beauty, the intelligence, and the antics of these wonderful creatures." You can watch video below: