White rope
Orange color rope
Black color rope
7 mm crochet hook
First, the base is made.
It is knitted with white color thread.
1. A magic ring is made from white combed yarn.
2. 6 frequent needles are made into the magic ring.
Materials White rope Orange color rope Black color rope 7 mm crochet hook Fabrication First, the base is made. It is knitted with white color thread. 1. A magic ring is made from white combed yarn. 2. 6 frequent needles are made into the magic ring.
3. Twelve frequent needles are made by making double needle into each dense needle. 4. A total of 18 frequent needles are made by making 1 single and 1 double needle.
5. A total of 24 frequent needles are obtained by making 2 single and 1 double needles. 6. The last row is completed in the form of stitching and passes to the upper part of the basket.
Top of Basket It is knitted with white color thread. 1. 1. and 2. rows spike pattern is knitted.
It is knitted with orange and white thread. 2. In the third row, determine any place and make 1 spike with orange rope. The remaining loops are knitted with white thread. 3. In the 4th row, 3 spike orange color is knitted by increasing from the right and left of 1 spike knitted in orange. Other places continue with the white thread. 4. Up to the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th rows, the spike made of orange color is knitted in a total of 13, increasing from the right and left.
5. In the 9th row, all ears are knitted in orange. 6. In the 10th row, loop execution with the orange thread. For the ears alone, knit the ears with 4-3-2 frequent needles, respectively, corresponding to the places where the orange increase is made, and the loop is completed by continuing to run.
With the black thread, a triangle shaped nose is made to cover the 3-2-1 spike model where the orange color begins in the bottom third row. In the 9th row, the right and left third ears of orange color are completed with black thread. That's it!