Blog DIY is a blog web site that have DIY videos
Knitting New Shawl Models We shared new knitting shawl models, which are beautiful from each other, to help you with your ideas and preferences.
He has published new shawl samples at your request. Knitted shawls are quoted from facebook. Thank you to the Handmade World page shared with us. We recommend you to follow the Knitting Shawl Models category regarding shawl knitting models and their making. In our previous topic, we shared the shawl knitting models with narration.
Shawl knitting, knitting models, triangle shawl models, Nako shawl knitting
Since we are entering the winter months, let's publish some winter models. Knitted with crochet using Nako wool yarn, the model is made with spider and railing knits. It is knitted in a triangular way. A model that can be knitted flat depending on your wishes. It would also be nice with other colors.