Blog DIY is a blog web site that have DIY videos
Sweaters and jackets were woven for babies, children, wives, ladies, gentlemen, in short, for everyone.
Especially if he had a grandson, all the wool would be sacrificed for him. Now there are not so many weavers left because all the women have started working.
There was no opportunity to weave, but we still have women who continue to weave. Many companies have also started producing knitwear. No matter how much time passes, knitting never goes out of style.
Knitting is like an indispensable value. Knitted sweaters are definitely in our lives in winter. The fabric is called knitwear in ready-made clothing.
Although machine knitted knits are not like hand knitting, they fulfill our craving to knit.We love to wear knitted sweaters, but the environments in which we find ourselves, our home, our workplace, are generally warm.