Goat And Rooster Rush To Save Chicken Buddy From The Hawk In Dramatic Visuals(video)

Goat And Rooster Rush To Save Chicken Buddy From The Hawk In Dramatic Visuals(video)

In a scene you’ve never seen before, a rooster and a goat have teamed up to save their friend the chicken from a hawk attack on a farm in the Netherlands. The dramatic moment, which lasted only a few seconds, was captured by a closed circuit television camera! Everyone in the paddock is busy with their own business when suddenly a hawk emerges from the sky with only one goal in mind: dinner. It seems that luck has already been cast on a poor hen whose feathers fly everywhere. She is fighting a battle that she had already lost when the odds dramatically turned in her favor. When he realizes that his friend the chicken has been ambushed, a brave rooster rushes to help him without a second thought.

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