Blog DIY is a blog web site that have DIY videos
You can use it in every corner of your home. You can only use knitted cloves in your various decorations. We can also try this idea of using cloves in blankets.
Decorative knitted pillows add elegance to our home and look great. In the past, there used to be cushions made of lace samples and cross-stitch ethamine samples.
It would definitely happen in every dowry. The carnation pillow is also made of lace and decorated with flowers.
The laces are embellished with knitted flower patterns. Let's move on to making our pillow, which is woven like lace and decorated with flowers.
For the back of the pillow, you can use mesh or mesh. You can spend fabric if you want.
118 chains were drawn for the pillow. You can use a mesh for the back.
You can knit carnations on their own and use them as a knitted decoration. You can use it in a vase. It looks beautiful that way too. You can weave the carnations with fine lace threads and tie-dye threads. You can use cotton threads.