Double Diamond: The World's Most Expensive Lamb Sold Auction In Scotland

Double Diamond: The World's Most Expensive Lamb Sold Auction In Scotland

In Scotland, Texel lamb named Double Diamond was sold at a very expensive price.


The Texel breed is a sheep breed that father about 30 percent of all lambs in the UK. For this reason, the highly valued Texels are believed to provide the highest quality meat in the UK. This breed is highly valued and texel breeding is also extremely popular. The Texel breed is in high demand as it is currently the most popular breed of sheep in the UK. But for the first time, a sheep broke a record by being sold at a fairly high price at auction. Let's look at the details together.

Texel sheep is a breed of sheep that is unique to the island of Texel in the Netherlands and is valued for its lean meat and wool.

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