For the cake batter: 3 eggs
A pinch of salt
3 coffee cups wiped flour
Two and a half coffee cups granulated sugar
1 packet of vanilla
1 teaspoon of butter
For the inner material:
2 packages (80 grams) of dark chocolate
1 can (200 ml) cream
1 tablespoon of butter
1 packet of vanilla
500 grams of cherries
2 packages (80 grams) of dark chocolate
6-8 cherry mint leaves
For the cake batter, separate the egg whites and yolks. Whisk the egg whites with salt in a deep bowl until it turns snow. Whisk the egg yolks together with the flour, granulated sugar and vanilla until it reaches a thick consistency.
Then, slowly add the egg white mixture that you have made into the egg yolks and mix it with a wooden spatula. Spread greaseproof paper on a medium-sized baking tray and grease all sides well with butter.
Spread the dough 1.5 cm thick on the wax paper. Bake in a preheated 175 degree oven until the top turns pink. Roll it up as soon as you take it from the oven and after it cools, unroll it and slowly remove the greasy paper.
2 For the filling, put the chopped chocolate and cream in a saucepan and stir over a very low heat until the chocolate melts. Take the pan from the stove and add the butter and vanilla. Stir constantly until the mixture is well cooled. Spread the chocolate mixture on the cake you are baking and smooth it with a knife.
Place 500 grams of pitted cherries randomly on it. Roll the cake and place it on a serving plate. After keeping it in the fridge for 1 hour, pour melted chocolate in a bain-marie. Garnish with cherry and mint leaves and serve by slicing.