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Hook knitted bibs are perfect to create and give as a baby shower or for the new member of the family, they can be made in different colors and designs, some with openwork stitches and others made with the help of looms, combining fabrics with some stitches It is great for certain original bibs, in the same way you can make funny images with the help of points, from the face of a puppy animal to an object that represents that it is for a baby, be it a bottle, a diaper and a rattle.
To generate hooked bibs it is great to have a pattern, these are perfect for all types of works, it should be noted that the bibs are small and are made in a simple way, there are designs that stand out for achieving original shapes that adapt to the perfection around the baby's neck, not only protecting this from staining clothes at mealtime but also giving a good style in clothing, not only bibs for babies can be knitted, also for adults or to carry and not stain the clothes, these garments work just like a handkerchief and are easily washed.
GREAT HOOK KNITTED BIBS Among the designs of hooked bibs, those that are mixed with looms stand out, the points serve to give it an aesthetic texture, just as seen in the following example, these are the two ways to create these pieces that will be presented below, it is ideal to use lace on the edges or center of the design, the bib in the example is a classic piece of a homemade one, adding ribbons is a nice touch.
In addition to the use of ribbons and lace to create a bib, there are ideas that are to the points, there are ideas to achieve fun and tender prints, for this it is ideal to have the appropriate patterns of woven bibs, where the appropriate material is specified for This and the way in which they are made, together the points of the indicated measure, some are made only with half high points and making these points is quite simple, within the most original ones, the bibs similar to the one in the image stand out.
FUN POINTS FOR BIBS There are some points that are really fun and give the bib a suitable childish touch, a point in a circle or triangle is great you just need to generate high points in combination with half points, a ribbon around is great, remember that bibs become part Of the clothing of a baby, usually the bibs start from the neck or neckline, try to take the appropriate measurements of the child to know what the precise size is.
There are miniature crochet bibs that are used for dolls or to decorate an object, this type of bibs are perfect to create memories of a baby shower party, despite being miniature a hook is used, for this there are different measures both hook As tools to achieve an amazing design to scale, these bibs can be in the baby shower party pins, keepsakes or even invitations.
Bibs are just part of the large number of objects or garments that are made using weaving techniques, including rompers, hats, socks, jackets and many others, including blankets for cribs and diaper bags or backpacks to carry their Changes of clothes and other things that are commonly required for when you go out with the family, in the following link you can see other designs of bibs that are achieved using crochet and various threads.